Friday, 19 February 2010

the hare versus the tortoise

Yesterday, out of all the days of this module, had to be the most rewarding.  I managed to pick up 2 HUGE roles of dead newspaper end, which will last me a life time, and are perfect to use for wheatpastes and stencils.  I started on this...
A portrait of my housemate out on the razz.  And so far this is what I've got...

It's about 1.5 metres tall and I think put in the right environment, it will look awesome.  I managed to make 3 stencils of it at once using the newspaper.  It's a tricky medium to cut on it own, but using a sharp pen knife and the thicker printer paper on top, it wasn't too labourious, except the time it took.  All worth it so far.
Went to the library over at the uni today and found a stack of street art books in it, it's going to be a handy place to know over the next few years now.  
Also tried to mix up the wheatpaste sheets with using accetate sheets with spraypainting more detail on top in black.  Didn't work as it didnt line up, and black isn't right to start off with straight away, going to try again, getting it properly lined up and using grey and black...layering slowly...
 I'm taking my time but I'm slowly getting there, and hopefully with better results than I hoped.

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