Saturday, 9 February 2013

musings of practicings

So I've been thinking about some work I'd like to get back into.  Its been a while since I've actually done any art work per say, most of the stuff I do these days is either to do with the garden design element or the really 'crafty' end of art practise.  No, I want to get back into sitting down and working on observational drawings of things like wood, feathers, leaves, etc, all things that relate to the forms I love to look at anyway.

I really miss life drawing too.  I'm trying to convince my partner to let me draw him.  He doesn't want to sit in different poses for hours, (which is fair enough) so I'm planning on photographing him in good light and working from the photographs.  I want different angles of his back, maybe showing his legs from the side, inter-twinned with our white bed sheets, close ups of the folds in his neck as he looks to the ceiling, his hands  against his neck, laying on his side, sat on his feet with his knees bent in front of him.  All of these I have to take with decency,  as he doesn't feel comfortable with his 'manhood' on show, and too be honest, that's not what its about anyway.  I just want his basic form, and work on putting it down on paper, to be sure I still feel confident on getting my scale and shape right.  I'm excited!

I've begun looking at loads of artists through the wonders of instagram.  It's a brilliant way to follow like-minded people and artists in picture form.  It means I can document any artwork I want online, using filters to possibly improve the image to begin with.

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