I was invited to start the year with the introductory project the first years have been set by Jane Jobling and Neil Rose called 19 books. We were given a number, which allocated us a book with a set of dimensions tagged on the front. These measurements indicated the size of our work space for the project in any way we wanted to interpret them. We then had to choose, at random, a five worded phrase and an image of your choice, and then these begin your process of filling the space.
My five words...'There's plenty of that around' and my image...
My image was a close up of the front porcelain plate which is full of water, oil, plastic, insect wings and silicon. I found the way the artist, Bili Bidjocka, had displayed the insect wings really intriguing. I wanted to represent the idea of human control over all other species of living creature in my work, whilst keeping to the five chosen words. I continued to look at insects and found the artist Claire Morgan a sub-inspiration. I have brooded over doing work similar to hers before and I realised this was a chance I didn't want to turn down.
Wasps seemed like the obvious choice as there are more than plenty of them around with the late heat this year. I managed to plan my space and plan my practical process in the time on the first day leaving me enough time over the following two days to come up with a 'kind of' finished space...
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